Donald of Mars episodes 1-70 now on Substack

I am now making my works available through Substack. The first 70 episodes of Donald of Mars are now available there, grouped into 5 episodes per post. At the bottom of each post is a link to the ones before and after, but there is also an index to each post in on this sight under subscription and Substack.
Donald of Mars is still available on Reamstories and Kindle Vella until they close it down. If you don’t like either Substack or Reamstories for some reason I do plan on having it some of it up on Inkspire and will likely get Patreon up and running again.
All of them have some paid content and some only available for with a paid subscription but that fee is only 5$ a month on each so use which ever one you like.
Hope you enjoy them.
James R Steinhaus