Renegade on Kara on Ream

Set more than a thousand years after Kara Discovered mankind has built cities on Kara far larger than they have on any planet. Roger is a college kid that broke the law and now need ...

An Ancient World Found

10,000 year into our future, a fourth universe that people can survive in is discovered. Technology doesn’t work there. Most modern material can’t exist there. It is infinite. It is 10^63 years old. It is ...

My work is now available on Ream

This ongoing story, and many of my other works are now available on Ream and have more content I am constantly adding. With the Story Donald of Mars, I have used fiction to try ...

Merry Christmas

Here is an old story from when I was just learning how to tell stories, (but thought I knew what I was doing, and didn’t understand why I could not sell it). I dug it ...

A Fall of Ashes

Ashes, another ignorant peasant farm girl with no hope of a dowry, just wanted a husband. That made her an easy victim and easily tricked. There was no shortage of men and boys willing to trick, use and abus her. Her only hope out of slavey is magic that she hadn’t even known she had.

Koradonda Is Live on Kindle Vella

When Patrolman Ann Donaldson was called in to sit with an abused teenaged girl, she had no idea that she would become involved with an ancient race of powerful shape-changing creatures and her actions could lead to a war of extinction for either or even both races.