Free Flash Fiction: Goddess Not
If she hadn’t had one of her eyes looking right at it, Ayia would never have noticed the indicator crystal worked into the wall mural, change from blue to red. Not even three thousand years ...
If she hadn’t had one of her eyes looking right at it, Ayia would never have noticed the indicator crystal worked into the wall mural, change from blue to red. Not even three thousand years ...
A grin crossed Howl’s face as the chief’s daughter walked by. “Hi Ember. I’m going up to one of the caves. Wanna come?” he asked the lovely girl who no longer hung out with him. ...
Writing flash fiction is a great way to introduce new readers to your writing. They can find out how well you pull them in and make them feel that story and how well you have ...
What if the only people who could violate the laws of nature were the ones that were willing to violate other people?
Yelling pulled Jo from his trance. “Come out! Necromancer! You killed my sister. I’m going to kill you!” screamed a woman’s voice. By the additional dust and sand in the room, his trance couldn’t have ...
I am now making my works available through Substack. The first 70 episodes of Donald of Mars are now available there, grouped into 5 episodes per post. At the bottom of each post is a ...
You can now read for free my science fiction novella, I Took a Walk for no cost on either Reamstories or Inkspire. Don’t forget to go to good read and leave a review ...
If you read serials or subscriptions, then you have most likely heard about Amazon closing Kindle Vella. Vella is where most of the people have read my work. It has been a fun ride, and ...
Ashes is still trying to walk the Gray Path, serving neither good nor evil, but it is difficult. Events keep pushing her deeper and deeper into the darkness, not least of which is the demon ...
The next installment of In the Service to Evil is now out in eBook and publishing in paperback, Ashes is still trying to walk the Gray Path, serving neither good nor evil, but it is ...