A Fall of Ashes: Now Read for Free
I am in the process of putting all of the chapters of my first book of my series, In Service to Evil, up for free on Patreon, Reamstories, and on Substack. The first two books ...
I am in the process of putting all of the chapters of my first book of my series, In Service to Evil, up for free on Patreon, Reamstories, and on Substack. The first two books ...
Yelling pulled Jo from his trance. “Come out! Necromancer! You killed my sister. I’m going to kill you!” screamed a woman’s voice. By the additional dust and sand in the room, his trance couldn’t have ...
The next installment of In the Service to Evil is now out in eBook and publishing in paperback, Ashes is still trying to walk the Gray Path, serving neither good nor evil, but it is ...
Book one, A Fall of Ashes, is now up on Reamstoreies, joining the ongoing story of Wind Blown Ashes. Both stories have updated covers and are also available on Kindle Vella. You can follow Ashes ...
Ashes, another ignorant peasant farm girl with no hope of a dowry, just wanted a husband. That made her an easy victim and easily tricked. There was no shortage of men and boys willing to trick, use and abus her. Her only hope out of slavey is magic that she hadn’t even known she had.
A Fall of Ashes is now available as e-book, paperback, hardback, or on kindle unlimited. This is the first story in a book of a villain origin story. Find out why and how a peasant ...
The last of A Fall of Ashes goes live today but the saga continues with Wind Blown Ashes and her struggle to leave her past behind her.
On Wednesday, April 19, the final episode of A Fall of Ashes will be published on Kindle Vella and the frist three episodes of the next book will be published. Join Ashes in the second ...
Life isn’t fair. Ashes has known that since Hammer took her clothes. Ending up a wench in a tavern to escape a sorceress, was coming just what Ashes was learning to expect fate to dish ...
One of the reasons for their slow pace is the joint pains of one of their group members. It is curable but will require a place and time to work as well as more herbs ...