Free Flash Fiction: Saving Tia’s Pet
“We have to find you a new home, Kiki,” Tia said, waking her sleeping pet with a reassuring rub as the dawn light penetrated the nest she’d built her in the jungle. Kiki yawned, stretched, ...
“We have to find you a new home, Kiki,” Tia said, waking her sleeping pet with a reassuring rub as the dawn light penetrated the nest she’d built her in the jungle. Kiki yawned, stretched, ...
Jenny let the weights clank down hard, then let out a sigh and relaxed her arms, and let them hang there. “This will be my last work out for a time,” she said to the ...
A stench wrenched nine-year-old Toadeater from his sleep, bringing him to his feet with a roar. The chain and collar around his neck brought back to him where here was. He knew it was a ...
A flash lit the room as deafening thunder smashed into the window and John pulled his hand away from the contract in panic. Had he smudged it? Another flash lit the room from further away. ...
If she hadn’t had one of her eyes looking right at it, Ayia would never have noticed the indicator crystal worked into the wall mural, change from blue to red. Not even three thousand years ...
A grin crossed Howl’s face as the chief’s daughter walked by. “Hi Ember. I’m going up to one of the caves. Wanna come?” he asked the lovely girl who no longer hung out with him. ...