Free Flash Fiction: Storm Before a Trip
A flash lit the room as deafening thunder smashed into the window and John pulled his hand away from the contract in panic.
Had he smudged it?
Another flash lit the room from further away.
With an aching back and tired eyes he tried to make out whether or not this contract was ruined.
The flame madly dancing atop the candle from the storm made that difficult.
A much weaker boom hit, barely rattling the windows, and rain drops started assaulting the window and south-east wall of the building.
A shiver raced up his back and he bent closer to look in the still madly dancing candlelight.
A sigh escaped him as he found no spots marring his hard work.
Setting his pen aside and capping the ink, he went to the iron stove that kept the office livable in the abysmal Southampton weather. Yet the job in America would be even colder, he mused picking up the hot water and filling the cup hanging behind it. And they drink coffee instead of a civilized drink like tea.
A dull rumble barely heard came through the thin wooden wall separating him from the street and he looked to the window. Now only an occasional drop splattered its pane.
He added enough dark black tea to his much battered infusers and set it into his favorite mug. Neither would be making his trip across the pond. He hoped George didn’t just toss them in the rubbish, but traveling economy didn’t let one take much with them.
In time his mug took on a satisfying black. One thing about his boss was there was always enough tea in the tin, though he was real hell if you dare take your mug to your desks, even it if would keep your fingers warm. He savored that tea as much as he dared. But time was running out, and he downed the last half of it and returned to his desk and the once more steady candlelight.
When he set the pen down again, dawn light came through the window.
Euphoria flooded him.
He’d made the deadline!
His boss would give him a boarding pass for the Titanic.
America here I come!
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