Free Flash Fiction: Conversation After a Workout
Jenny let the weights clank down hard, then let out a sigh and relaxed her arms, and let them hang there. “This will be my last work out for a time,” she said to the well-muscled blond girl next to her.
Mandy, using more control on the machine she was using, let the weights down with a far quieter clink. “Vacation?” she asked the smaller dark-haired girl.
“Two months without a work contract. Reserves nearly gone.”
“Ouch,” Mandy said, stepping away from her machine and looking Jenny over. “And you haven’t said anything to me about losing work in two months?”
“I thought I’d have a contract by now. But too many people now doing what I do and not enough work. I made my reserves stretch by taking very short-term work, things I could get done in a couple hours, for well under going rates. But that won’t do any more.” Jenny pick up her towel and wiped the sweat from her face, then turned to her and asked in a tired frank voice. “You have any openings at your job at all?”
Mandy looked around. Seeing no one near, she lowered her voice and said, “You are not qualified to do any of the jobs available where I work. You need years of experience. Nor do you have the right connections.”

Jenny sighed and stood. “This damn town runs on connections.”
“I built mine by accident. But you can do it on purpose.”
“How do you mean?” her voice now carrying a hint of curiosity.
“I regularly attend sex/swinger parties. These are the ones that upper middle management men attend. I have a blast at them. They know how girls like it. But when I lost my job, one of them looked at my credentials and experience, then hired me.”
“You slept with someone to get your job!” she said, fighting to keep her voice low.
“No, I was already fucking him, his boss and a coworker of his. We were all already involved before a job was offered. But it doesn’t have to be a sex club. Any group activity where you are associating with those who might hire you on a social level and they can get to know you better, works. I like casual sex with clean, intelligent people. These people knew me, liked me, so they checked my credentials and hired me. Do you have such a social group you hang with? Boating, Tennis or such?”
Her voice became tired. “No. The few social networks I have don’t have bosses or businessmen in them. This gym is the closest to it.”
Mandy gave the dark-haired sweat drenched girl a big grin. “Then do you like casual sex with a lot of smart people? Both men and women?”
Is Mandy’s invitation social networking or is it the casting couch? Poll on Substack or just leave a comment with your answer.