Kara is Infinite
Kara, known as the fourth universe, has magic, its surface is infinite. The areas that humans colonized, has a greater population than all the human colonized planets in the other three universes combined. A combination of technology and magic has let mankind spread out fast there and have a higher standard of living than is possible with technology alone. Five hundred million plus continents have at least a few people on them and nearly a million of them have huge mega cities on them. The mix of magic and technology has resulted in mega cities with building kilometers high. Some of the biggest Kara cities have populations into the billions, which is ten times the densest, most populated city on a planet.
Magic using AIs handles logistics, law enforcement, and basic manufacturing. The AIs even have a hand at deciding who gets what education. It might take months, but the AI run trams allow you can buy a tram ticket and get to most any of those mega cities, that are not on the restricted list.
Humans were not the first to discover Kara. Though infinite, there are nonhumans living there. Occasionally, humans open a gate to where nonhumans live. Travel to those requires a permit and nonhumans are not permitted in the human areas. No human civilian goes to a nonhuman area until after the Dragon legion have been there and made it safe.
Everyone studies magic in school just as they do reading, math, and other things. In every city, the AIs test children biyearly. If at 12 years of age they are in the top half of a percent, you get an invitation to study advanced magic and a university prep school. But with a population that big, that is over a billion kids a year. It takes seven continents just to hold all the prep schools for the study of advance magic. Only one percent of those pass the final test and get into The University. But that still ten million students entering it every year. The University is an entire continent dedicated to teaching the most advanced magic man has ever come up with. Half wash out each of the four years. There are three programs there. Ninety-five percent are in the Mage program. Four-point-nine percent are in the Magi program, a far more difficult one. But Point one percent of that already elite group are in the Magus program.
Roger was not only part of that group, but the tops student there. He lived and breathed and thought magic.
Then his arrogance and temper got the best of him, and he broke not one rule but many, including one that would get him banished from magic for all time.
His only chance was to get beyond the reach of the AIs before they were after him. That means getting out of the zones of technologies all together. That is an almost impossible task.

Renegade on Kara is available on Substack on Ream Stories.
I hope you enjoy it.