Help An Author Before It’s Too Late.
On Amazon’s Kindle Vella, an author gets one half of whatever a person paid for the tokens that they spent as a royalty payment. Then there are the bonuses. To grow their serial story library, they decided to subsidize all the authors that publish any story that meets their guideline on Amazon’s Kindel Vella. The exact means that they used to calculate the bonus is not published but for a time an author could get eight times what their customers spend buying the episodes. It worked. Amazon now has one of the biggest serial libraries in the world and built it in a few short years.
But those bonuses now are fading. In December they cut them in half, and cut them again in January, then once more in February. By a rough calculation, Amazon paid somewhere between 1.5 and 1.75 time what the customer spent on an author in bonuses. The bonus might even be gone by the time you are reading this, but at the time of writing this are still continuing the program.
So, it is still; if you read an author on Kindle Vella, they get paid not only by you, but by Amazon too, and Amazon is paying them even more than you did. But that program isn’t likely to be there much longer!
If you are going to start a new story, do it on Kindle Vella so that the author can still make more money than you spend on them!
If you are a Kindle Vella author, drop you Linktree or such in the comments below, then share this on your social media platforms. If you are a reader look for links to stories there.
Here are my stories
Thanks for getting the word out.
I have fantasy stories with sweet romance subplots at
I’m a multi-genre author, and most of my work is available on Kindle Vella. These stories can be found on these sites:
Thanks for the opportunity! I write fantasy and thrillers, with a news Historical Fiction novel developing there now. 🙂